
Where to Start With Selling Online

Ben Kershaw
1st May 2022
3 minute read

Moving your sales strategy online can be a daunting task for the inexperienced, especially if you have no prior online presence. However, with the use of the right digital channels and plenty of research, you can make a seamless transfer into the online world.

The world of E-Commerce obviously holds great potential for start-ups and established businesses alike, but without an effective strategy for starting out, it can crash and burn before it’s taken off! In order to avoid any early mishaps in your online endeavours, here’s a short guide on getting started with online sales.


Make a Robust Plan

Although it may be tempting to jump straight in, forming a strong plan should be the first step. Starting with the basics:

E-Commerce Platform or Marketplace

Decide whether you want to establish your own E-Commerce website using something like wooCommerce, or if making a shop on an existing marketplace like Amazon is a better fit based on your business size.

Establish a domain

If you decide that an E-Commerce site is for you, establishing a domain with a relevant name is the next step. Its pointless having a domain name that isn’t relevant to your brand, or even worse designing your whole platform and finding out the ideal domain name already exists.

Logos and Graphics

Attractive logos and graphics can set you apart from other brands, which can be especially important during the initial stages of selling online. Making multiple drafts of logos and designs, and running them through your peers before going live is a good way to get your visuals perfect before the public eye.

Additional Channels

With the online world being as vast as it is, its no wonder that there’s an abundance of marketing channels to use, the four main being; Websites & Blogs, Social Media, Video and Email Marketing. With additional channels it is important to ensure an obvious link between each one, as well as sufficient integration on your website so users can find you elsewhere easily.

As of late, many companies have realised the almost unmatched potential of Social Media in their marketing strategies and use it as a direct connection to their audience. Millions of people use all kinds of social media every day so try not to pick and choose which platforms you want to be on and get yourself out there! For businesses; LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram seem to be hot on trend and all have good analytics and capabilities.

Upkeep and Support

Whilst the initial stages of selling online are highly important, it is just as important to monitor your progress regularly to see what’s working for you and what isn’t. Keeping track of any changes and the effects they have on website activity is crucial for effective development, otherwise you’re making blind changes that may even hinder your engagement.


The Wrap Up

Making a solid plan is key to beginning anything, web design is no different. The more research you do, the better you will perform in the long run. If you need any help with getting started feel free to get in touch, or get a quote for a website here.

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