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A new online shop for Prozomix We put on our thinking hats when it came to developing a new website…
Find Out MoreGVR GEO
A comprehensive online platform for GVR Geo. Specialists in their industry, GVR Geo, came to Sleeky in search of a…
Find Out MoreVulkan
A supercharged site for a leading software company. The Khronos Group were looking for a team of talented web designers…
Find Out MoreAtlas Band Touring
A bespoke website for North East based touring aficionados. Atlas Band Touring was looking for a website that would best…
Find Out MoreNorvic Aero Engines
Aircraft Engine company, Norvic Aero Engines; required a refreshed website design that utilised new up-to-date web technologies. We designed and built a bespoke…
Find Out MoreDynamo North East
Dynamo is an initiative focused on developing the tech sector in the North East of England, with prodigious members including…
Find Out MoreSarah Jarman
Sarah Jarman, a local traditional sign painter, required a portfolio website to showcase her unique work. We created a simple…
Find Out MoreMatt Greenwood Racing
Matt Greenwood, a young up-and-coming racing driver needed a website to promote his racing skills to sponsors. We created this…
Find Out MoreBattleaxe Digipak
Working with 30 year old artwork which we cleaned up and digitised, we also designed a 20 page booklet and…
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