Browse packages

Our quote is from £2350*


£3350 £2750*

*** LIMITED OFFER! Get £600 off in February ***

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Mobile friendly
Stock images
Up to 10
From 4 weeks
Domain name
1st year free
Google friendly
Up to 1 + phone support
Payment terms
50% deposit
Junction Point Website


£2750 £2350*

*** LIMITED OFFER! Get £400 off in February ***

Make Enquiry
Mobile friendly
Stock images
Up to 10
From 3 weeks
Domain name
1st year free
Google friendly
Email/phone support
Payment terms
50% deposit
Cabin Solutions Website

Website packages

What's included...

  • Mobile friendly
    • All our websites are mobile friendly / responsive, therefore look great on phones and tablets. Whether your customers are at their desk or on the move, they'll always be able to connect with you, effortlessly and stylishly.

  • Software
    • As well as having access to affordable support from our North East based team, we also give you the freedom to modify and update the website yourself through the user-friendly WordPress content management system. This maybe custom developed or a builder like Elementor or WP Bakery.

  • Stock images
    • We can supply up to 10 premium stock photos free of charge, with further images available from free stock websites. Some packages include a free photoshoot or video session with our photography partner.

  • Themes
    • We have a solution for every budget, including custom web design or curated themes that we can personalise to fit your brand and business.

  • Timescales
    • We would aim to deliver the project in the timescales indicated, subject to receiving prompt feedback and content.

  • Domain name
    • A domain name is your website address (i.e. A one year .uk domain registration is included free of charge (renewal costs £35 per year thereafter).

  • Google friendly
    • All our website packages include basic search engine optimisation including: Google Site Kit configuration, homepage meta title/description, submission to leading search engines and WordPress SEO installation.

  • Hosting
    • Hosting is used to store your website files and emails, ensuring it's available to visitors. We offer fast and reliable UK based hosting, which includes free backups in the event you were hacked.

  • Meetings
    • We offer face to face meetings at our office, as well virtual ones via Teams and Zoom.

  • Payment terms
    • 50% of the cost is payable before work can commence. Upon completion the balance of 50% is payable before the site will be deployed.

Make Enquiry

What do you think?

Our quote is based on your responses to the instant quote form. If you would like to discuss your project with us in further detail, please feel free to contact us.

* Please note all quotes are subject to confirmation

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To discuss the next steps, email, complete the form below or give us a call.

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We are passionate about innovation, ideas and experience. Tell us about yourself and your project and we can start the ball rolling.

    By submitting this form, you are permitting us to contact you in relation to your enquiry and confirm you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy.