There is an interesting article explaining how important a logo is for a business or a brand. Having a great logo is more than just having a beautifully designed logo. It is about having a logo that adequately represents your brand, your company culture, it is simply your brand’s identity and having a professionally designed logo is crucial. Can your logo look professional if you DIY it? No, I don’t think so, and here’s why.
Education and Experience
I know you might think you know best what you want and how you want your logo to represent your brand, but if your education or background are not design or art-related, do you really think you can do it? Will you be able to conduct a proper research, are you familiar with design conventions or colour theory? What would be the right font choice? If you do not follow certain rules, you might end up with an amateurish looking logo. Is this how you want your target audience to see your company – as unprofessional and amateurish?
One of the main characteristics of a great logo is its versatility. An experienced designer will create a logo that will look good when rendered in any size – on a business card or on your social media profile but also on large banners. So, you might be pleasantly surprised with how you made your logo look on your Facebook profile, but don’t forget to check how its larger versions too!
Brand consistency
Great logos must covey the company values and be consistent with the brand itself. We all know that a logo is the very first thing customers will see and that’s actually how they will identify your business. Only a professional designer can make a logo that will reflect your brand values clearly.
Conveying the right message
Finally, the message! Every business communicates with its (potential) customers by sending a message. I am sure you know best what message your company needs to convey, but are you capable of ‘translating’ this message into a logo? How is this message most suitably conveyed using letters, symbols and colours? These are the things only a professional designer can cover, and you need to trust them with that.
Yes, though it might seem easy, trust me, it is not! If you are thinking of DIY-ing your logo, consider the above points and start to think about having a professional do that for you.
We have recently been working with Abbey Masterbatch Ltd, a UK manufacturer and supplier of masterbatch products. We made a logo that is visually striking, clean in design, incorporating their company name.