
Why Colours are Important for your Brand

Chloe Toogood
26th August 2022
3 minute read

Colours enrich our lives every day, so-much-so, that we almost don’t even realise they’re there. We do realise them, however, when it comes to branding and design. The impact that brand colours can have on customer perception is huge, and can also emphasise the tone and feeling of your brand.

Let’s delve into how and why using the correct colours will help your brand stand out.

Brand Personality

When coming up with your brand identity, there are many things to consider. It’s more than just having a logo or your online presence, it’s also creating a personality that can resonate with customers. This is where colour comes in. It not only makes your brand more attractive, but it can affect the way in which people interact with it. In one study, it was found that 90% of people feel that colour is helpful in attracting new customers, which of course is incredibly important when building a brand. Not only this, but using the correct colours can invoke certain feelings and emotions that connect with the brand itself, which ultimately aids in creating a lasting impression on the customer.


Choosing a colour palette

While colours can be interpreted to fit an overall concept, some colours are almost universally known to evoke certain types of emotions:

  • Reds: they are generally loud and unsubtle, expressing passion, excitement, and urgency
  • Blues: usually linked to feelings of peace, serenity, and relaxation
  • Greens: associated with the earth, nature, and eco-friendliness, but also health and growth
  • Yellows: typically cheerful, happy, and positive, yellow in brand designs tend to be bright and eye-catching
  • Purples: the colour of luxury and prestige, it’s often associated with wealth and power
  • Black: the most formal colour, shows professionalism and can evoke feelings of mystery
  • White: shows purity, and innocence, along with cleanliness and simplicity


What feelings are you trying to evoke from people looking at your website, or researching your brand? If your business is centred on relaxing experiences like spa days for example, it would make far more sense to use blues than it would be to use reds. In the same way, if your business is set in a place surrounded by beautiful views, maybe it’s a luxury hotel in Newcastle, then hues of green could be something you add to highlight the setting.


In addition, it’s been shown that ‘living colour’ actually helps with memory too, as it reminds us of the natural world, allowing us to associate the brand with real-life experiences and feelings. There have also been studies that have displayed how colour pictures are able to hold the attention of someone for longer than solely black and white images, which goes to show how important it is to have some kind of colour palette representing your brand.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t opt for an aesthetic identity that is monochromatic and sleek, but it highlights the fact that there should be something to catch the eye of potential customers. For example, if we look at this case study, we can see how the main colour palette is enhanced by the background colours, which as a result, make the colours that you can see, far more vibrant.

How to choose the best colours

The best way for you to come up with ideas for colours for your brand is to research, research, research!

We can split that research into three sections:

  • Who is your customer? Who are the people that you’re trying to attract? And we don’t mean pink for girls and blue for boys, but are they corporate, or gamers, or looking for a luxury hotel break away? This can have a huge impact on the kind of colours you should go for.
  • Who are your competitors? Even though you might be going head-to-head, your competitors might give you some kind of insight into the colours that are good to use for your brand. On the other hand, you might want to stand out, and forge your own independent identity.
  • What does the market say? Are the colours that you want to use standard in your industry, and what do they signify in that industry?

Once you have these building blocks, choosing a colour palette for your brand will be far more straightforward and effective.


Let’s go!

Now that we’ve covered why a good colour palette is integral for creating your brand identity, it’s time for you to put it in action!

It’s important to remember that brainstorming for your brand identity takes time and dedication (with a lot of creativity sprinkled on top). But it’s important to have fun with playing around with the possibilities you can create, just by changing up the colours. There are no hard and fast rules to choosing the best colours, but looking at colour theory can definitely help. Ultimately, the goal is for consumers to know who you are, where you come from, and what it is you can do for them.

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