Securing your website is absolutely essential. Put it this way, you wouldn’t walk away from your home and leave the front door wide open, would you? Well, failing to secure your website is, essentially, the same thing. Without proper security, your data and that of your visitors is constantly at risk. Plus, you’re making yourself vulnerable to bugs and a whole host of other nasty bits and bobs.
Perhaps you run a simple, lowkey blog and you’re wondering why site security is even relevant to you. Well, the bottom line is, even if your site doesn’t generate any money or hold any sensitive information, failing to secure it – and as a result, being hacked – means your site can end up with huge losses of traffic, being suspended or even crashing. Plus, there’s always the risk of identity theft.
Have no fear, however, because there are a number of simple steps which you can take to ensure that your site is secure. The most important thing you can do is to gain SSL certification. So, let’s get into exactly what SSL certificates are, why they’re important and how you can get your site SSL certified.