As of yesterday, if your website doesn’t work on mobiles you’ve been bumped down the search rankings by Google. The search engine giant has finally implemented a long-expected change to it’s algorithm meaning mobile friendly responsive websites now appear nearer the top of their famous rankings than their non-responsive counterparts – and with 50% of search traffic now from mobile devices it’s hardly surprising.
Don’t despair – Sleeky make getting responsive easier than you may think. Our new website clients have been advised to implement responsive design for over twelve months, like our client Greenwich Contracts Ltd. If you already have a website, Sleeky can build responsiveness into it, keeping the existing style and content but making it adapt to the screen it’s being viewed on. Or maybe you can use this opportunity to refresh your online presence with something more relevant to where your business is now, and more suited to modern browsing habits.
If you need to find out more about how this change will affect your business, and how Sleeky can help, give us a call on 0800 8600 218 or drop us an email to