The colours you choose for your website have the power to convey much more than just your aesthetic. Colours can have a meaning or message behind them, and you can use these colours to get your message across too.
What is colour psychology?
Often, in our heads, we relate certain colours to different scenarios. If you were to see a group of people, all dressed in black, you might automatically assume they had come from a funeral. Red lipstick is seen as a passionate fashion choice and choosing to put yellow flowers in a room could be done strategically to invoke feelings of happiness.
Colour psychology discusses the inherent and cultural associations that we apply to different colours. Studies show that it might be possible to reduce crime by changing to more blue-hued streetlamps or even increase the effectiveness of placebo pills, just by using a warm-toned tablet. Whilst some of our thoughts around colour might be dependant on our own personal upbringing, there are certain universal connotations that the majority of people agree on.