Digital Marketing

Christmas 2022: How to Market Effectively

Chloe Toogood
22nd December 2022
4 minute read

Last year, the British public spent whopping amounts of money on Christmas deals. It is clear that the Christmas period is a huge money maker for businesses, so how should you tailor your digital marketing strategy to encourage even more sales and maximise your profits?

Let’s have a look at how you can make the most out of Christmas marketing!


Start Planning Early

it’s so important that you start planning your Christmas marketing strategy early, we’re talking at least a month before. The last thing you want to do is have to wing it during the year’s most lucrative holiday. Studies have shown that almost 70% of consumers start their Christmas shopping in the 3 month run up to the holiday, which means getting your strategy sorted and out there a little early, can help with those initial sales, and means that you’re fully prepared for the chaos in December. When planning your strategy, it’s worth considering:

  • What goals do you have, and how will you achieve them?
  • What things do you need to accomplish these goals (designs/marketing platform)?
  • Having a clear and realistic timeline

By doing this, it makes the holiday marketing strategy easier for you to manage, and gives you a better understanding of the things that you need to do in the time you have set.

Top Tip

If you’re wondering what you can do to get consumers shopping with you, offering free samples, free shipping, and other small tokens alongside their purchase makes them feel like they are being rewarded and is a good way to remain competitive while not having to cut prices. Not only this, but it acts as an incentive for them to complete the purchase, and can improve the conversion rate. Bear in mind, that what you’re offering has to be something that is desirable to customers. While it may not be a viable option for every brand to do this, it is definitely worth doing if it within budget.


Social media campaigns

It is a no brainer that social media should play a huge role in your Christmas marketing efforts, it’s probably the easiest and quickest way to get the news out there about what you are going to be offering for consumers. In fact, a whopping 90% of consumers said that they buy from brands that they follow on social media.

When it comes to Christmas, some people like to take their chances when it comes to shopping around for deals, and others prefer to be a little more prepared, and with the role that social media now plays with Christmas each year, consumers can afford to be more meticulous when it comes to looking for offers.

By having a good social media campaign, you are able to tease them with deals, and maybe extra discount codes to really entice them. Alternatively, if you’re planning a Christmas sale, you could offer exclusive pre-sale access if they sign up to a newsletter or other marketing tactic. The possibilities are pretty much endless! Social media is also great to help people keep track of when your preparation, with countdown clocks, previews, and other relevant content, and it also helps to build suspense and anticipation.


Some ways that you can boost your presence on social media before Christmas include:

  • Using hashtags to help you be noticed by more people and gain reach
  • Change the theme of your page to reflect the upcoming event
  • Organise giveaways and competitions

Pay attention to the abandoned cart rate

This is an important aspect to note, as it’s all well and good people adding things to their cart, but you want (and need) them to actually complete the purchase in full. Across all industries, the abandoned cart rate is at just under 70%, which is pretty high.

It is important to put things in place so that people are less likely to abandon their carts, this could mean something like reminder emails that they have left something, and maybe an additional discount code for 5% off, or something like that to entice them back into completing the purchase.

By doing this, it is likely that you will decrease the abandoned cart rate, but it’s important to make sure that you emphasise that the code or offer is only valid for a certain amount of time. This could be just 24 hours, but it’s all down to what you think is going to improve the number of sales you could make.

Curate a gift guide

Since we know that the majority of people start their Christmas shopping early, why not cash in even more by curating a gift guide? You could easily start from Black Friday, which is often considered the beginning of the Christmas shopping season for Americans, as it falls the day after Thanksgiving.

But even for those of us who don’t celebrate thanksgiving, we can still take advantage of the huge deals going on just before the most expensive holiday of the year. We also know that people aren’t afraid to go all out at this time either, as last year proved to be an incredibly lucrative year for businesses, with the general public spending £25.5 billion on Christmas alone.

By creating unique and well thought out guides, tailored to specific loved ones, you can encourage more people to buy products as gifts, while saving them money because of the sale price. Not only this, but it creates some more excitement around the brand and the items being sold, and the products can be neatly categorised, making it far easier for consumers to find what they want.

To keep costs to a minimum, you don’t even have to introduce new products, you could just create bundles of products that you already carry, and it’s a great way to also help get rid of products that may not sell as well as others.



What’s the takeaway?

For brands, the Christmas holidays are one of the most important and lucrative times of the year, and should definitely be taken seriously, as a lot can be gained from it. Not only is it a time where there will likely be a larger number of sales, but there is also the chance to make more loyal customers that could return at a later date.

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